Mini 50

Molex Contributes Toward Establishing Industry Performance Requirements for Automotive Ethernet with its Mini50 Connection System

Mini50 Connectors provide the ideal solution for automotive use thanks to smaller automotive-grade pin and terminal sizes compared to traditional connectors


WALLDORF, Germany – 25th January, 2015Molex Incorporated announces its Mini50™ line of connection systems has been instrumental in setting the performance guidelines being established for Single Twisted Pair Ethernet (IEEE P802.3bw 100BASE-T1), slated to be launched in 2015 by automotive OEMs.


“Mini50 connectors feature smaller automotive-grade pin and terminal sizes than traditional connectors, so circuits can be packaged in a tighter space while still providing cost savings and robust automotive reliability,” says Mike Gardner, global marketing manager, Molex.


Mini50 was among the first connection systems including the features required for 100 Mbps transmission speeds and has since become the evaluation platform for many industry developers. For example, the recently released “Automotive Ethernet – The Definitive Guide,” co-authored by Intrepid Control Systems Inc. and Harman International, points to the Mini50 as a de facto solution. The Guide notes that some Automotive Ethernet products are on the market using the Molex Mini50 Connector System which is significantly smaller than the RJ-45s used for standard Ethernet connections and that the Mini50 Connector Systems are designed and tested specifically for automotive use.


In addition, the Mini50 Connection System has demonstrated suitable performance for targeted 1 Gbps systems that have an appropriate blend of cable and assembly manufacturing processes. With the automotive industry moving rapidly toward Ethernet-based solutions, it was critical that a connection system be identified that meets the requirements of USCAR and other industry specifications. At the same time, that connector system had to deliver baseline requirements for Ethernet electrical performance standards.


With its small form factor and established performance, Mini50 delivers on these demands. Offered in both unsealed and water-resistant sealed versions, Mini50 delivers end-to-end link performance in excess of the required 100 Mbps standard. Mini50 also meets the requirements for Jacketed Unshielded Twisted Pair (JUTP) lengths of 15 metres and more that industry standards are calling for. The initial Ethernet 100Base-T1 applications to be launched soon by automotive OEMs call for Mini50 connectors in both single- and multiple-pair configurations.


Mini50 Connection Systems have the desirable performance attribute of pairing terminals closer to one another than in competitive 0.50mm systems, thereby providing superior XTalk (Cross Talk – NEXT and FEXT) silicon performance demands.


“The ever-growing features of applications for the Mini50 Connection System will lead to even more exciting near-term developments that will further establish 0.50mm terminals as the right choice for current and future high-speed sealed or unsealed Ethernet applications,” says Gardner.


For more information about the Mini50 Connection System, visit To receive information about other automotive products and industry solutions, please sign up for the Molex newsletter at

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