Microchip – introduces new low-cost PIC32MX1/2/5 32-bit microcontroller series with feature-rich peripheral mix and large, scalable memory configuration

By blending the key features of Microchip’s existing PICM32MX1/2 and PIC32MX5 MCU families, this latest PIC32MX1/2/5 MCU series delivers designers the benefits of a rich peripheral set for a wide range of cost-sensitive applications that require complex code and higher feature integration at a lower cost, including: digital audio, Bluetooth®, USB and general-purpose embedded control, CAN2.0B with DeviceNet addressing for industrial applications, 8-bit Parallel Master Port (PMP) for praphics and capacitive touch-sensing hardware.

In addition to their rich mix of integrated hardware peripheral features, these MCUs are supported by Microchip’s powerful MPLAB® Harmony software development framework, which simplifies the software development process by integrating the licence, resale and support of Microchip and third-party middleware, drivers, libraries and real time operating systems (RTOSs).

Specifically, Microchip’s readily available software packages, such as Bluetooth audio development suites, Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP) library, audio equalizer filter libraries, various Decoders (including AAC, MP3, WMA and SBC), sample-rate conversion libraries, CAN2.0B PLIBs, USB stacks, and graphics libraries can rapidly reduce the development time of applications, including Bluetooth connectivity, digital audio, consumer, industrial, medical and general-purpose embedded control.

The new PIC32MX1/2/5 MCUs with the 40 MHz/66 DMIPS speed option are available now, in 64-pin TQFP and QFN packages and 100-pin TQFP packages.

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