Infineon XMC1200 CPU Card Supports Application Cards like Colour LED Card and white LED Card

Getting Started with XMC1200

Simply getting started, DAVE and Example Projects are included.

Key Features:

  • XMC1200(ARM® CortexTM-M0 based ) Microcontroller
  • Detachable  Segger J-Link Debugger
  • LED brightness and colour control
  • Capacitive Touch Control
  • LED Displays

Key Benefits:

  • On-board COM and Segger J-Link debugger
  • Edge connector for Application cards
  • Connectors according to pin-out
  • Micro USB Charging
  • DAVE Apps

Key Applications:

  • LED Lighting
  • Motor Control
  • Touch Sense, Display Control, Audio Signaling
  • Battery Charger
  • Induction Cooker

Order No.: TOOL3535

See also

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