STMicroelectronics – Rutronik includes new Family of Microcontrollers in its program

With the ADC consuming just 40μA at a conversion speed of 100ksps, rising to just 200μA at 1.14Msps, in combination with very good power efficiency of both the processor core and the ultra-low-power peripherals, applications such as fitness trackers and domestic smoke detectors powered by non-rechargeable batteries require less frequent replacements, saving costs and the environmental burden of spent batteries. They allow designs with smaller batteries, thus reducing the size and costs of products such as portable health and fitness products. The devices are fabricated in proprietary CMOS technology that offers both embedded EEPROM, as well as the industry’s smallest variation in power consumption over a temperature range of 25° up to 125°C. Thus, STM32L0 microcontrollers are particularly suitable for industrial sensor applications relying on batteries or energy harvesting.

The STM32L0 series is available in three lines: Access line, USB line, and USB/LCD line. Common features of all of them include greater power consumption in several modes including 139μA/MHz at 32MHz, 87μA/MHz using an optimized mode, and 400nA in stop mode with full RAM retention and a 3.5μs wake-up time. The series also provides up to 64KB of Flash memory, up to 8KB of SRAM, and 2KB of embedded true EEPROM. A built-in hardware oversampling capability enables 16-bit ADC resolution.

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