7-Segm. + Dotmatrix LED

Rutronik’s classification group LEDSVN contains several kinds of displays based on Chip LEDs. All digits from 0 to 9 on a standard 7 Segment Display can be shown. The classification group LEDSVN also includes displays like 14 Segment and Dot Matrix Displays.
These figures are driven by electrical or electromechanical controls.

This kind of LED Displays in general are a smart adder from our suppliers to give  customers the possibility having a complete standard led display ready to put on a pcb.

This is especially popular when we are talking about customerspecific solutions.
The displays can then be adopted to the customer’s needs.

The applications are clear: e.g. Displays as an indicator in washing machines and stoves or white goods in general, time indicator at publich places as well as any other indicator in electronical devices.

See also

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