Yageo Wireless Introduces New Family of Multi-Band, High Efficiency GNSS Antennas in Miniature Package

Best-in-class, tri-band GNSS, namely GPS/Glonass/Galileo chip antenna –optimal for small, portable application designs.

Yageo Corporation announced today the availability of two multi-band, ultra small GNSS linear antennas. The two new antennas, in very small form factors of 5.3×2.0mm (ANT5320LL14R1516A) and 8.0×1.0mm (ANT8010LL05R1516A) , target the upcoming , ever more challenging new GNSS standard, the GPS/Glonass/Galileo. The antennas are designed to support automotive/transportation, telematics, consumers and other navigation applications.

Complementing the small size, the electrical performance of the antennas includes a 80Mhz/BW, peak gain of about 1.4dBi, and better than 10dB return loss. These antennas complement well the existing portfolio of antennas and RF components covering the wide range from 13Mhz/NFC to 7Ghz frequency spectrum.

Most current navigation, tracing and tracking applications today use simple GPS or GPS/Glonass antennas; however, customers are always looking ahead showing interest in additional GNSS bands such as Galileo and Beidou. Yageo will continue to extend its antenna portfolio with additional products, as the customers are keen in seeing increasingly smaller, multi-bands, more efficient antennas.

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