nRF51 IoT Kit
LoRa™ Technology is a proprietary wireless technology working in the Sub-GHz band. It utilizes a spread spectrum modulation to...
The BALF-NRG-02D3 ultraminiature balun integrates both matching network and harmonics filter. Matching impedance is customized for both the BlueNRG-1...
Try out ST’s Bluetooth low-energy hosted by a convenient USB dongle The STEVAL-IDB003V1 is an evaluation board based on...
The German BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) has published some updated documents about the Protection Profile for...
The MS50SFB is a compact small size Bluetooth 5 module with ultra-low power consumption and optional antenna. It is...
The best wireless transceiver will have a useless performance without a good antenna. How good the antenna is depends...
The STEVAL-IDB006V1 is an evaluation board based on the BlueNRG-MS low power Bluetooth® Smart IC, compliant with the Bluetooth®...
The S310 SoftDevice is an ANT and Bluetooth® low energy (BLE) Peripheral controller and host multiprotocol stack that provides...
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