Microchip releases new firmware for their Wi-Fi modules with additional features!

The modules’ small form factor, rich features, and ultra-low power make them perfect for mobile wireless applications such as asset monitoring, sensors, and portable battery operated devices. Microchip’s portfolio of Wi-Fi modules consists basically of two different lines, the MRF- and the RN-line. The main distinction is that the MRF-modules run with almost any PIC out of Microchip’s portfolio, whereas the RN-modules run with a PIC but also with any other MCU from other manufacturers. For the MRF-line Microchip lately brought out two new firmware versions, the 3109 and 310A version. The 3109 version supports Wi-Fi Direct mode whereas the 310A version supports Secure Soft AP mode with up to 4 clients. For the RN-line Microchip releases new firmware version 4.41 for the RN131-/ RN171-series which brings new features to the modules like Secure Soft AP with up to 7 clients and the ability to update the firmware over the UART.

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