Displaytech Development Boards



The Nucleus Product Development Platform offers
customers turnkey hardware design and available
software resulting in accelerated time to market for
embedded devices featuring a Displaytech LCD.

Built around Microchip’s line of 16-bit and 32-bit
MCU’s, Nucleus is the core set of components
capable of driving the Displaytech line of TFT displays which are available in several sizes like

  • 1,8 inch
  • 2,2 inch
  • 2,4 inchEMB070INTDEMO-2UP_0
  • 2,8 inch
  • 3,5 inch
  • 4,3 inch
  • 5,7 inch
  • 7 inch



  • External Flash
  • External SRAM
  • USB
  • Microchip ICSP Port
  • Add-on Boards with Supported Peripherals




  • Hardware Available Now
  •  Driver files provided for TFT controllers and driver IC’s
  • Reference designs and schematics available
  • Rapid GUI design with Microchip Graphics Library and example software
  • Experienced HW & SW Design Engineering Support
  • Microchip Authorized Design & Graphics Partner




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