m2mAir SIM-Cards and SIM-chips for m2m applications

The m2mAIR mission statement is “Making m2m connectivity seamless”. The m2mAIR approach to accomplishing this objective is straight forward: Making m2m connectivity seamless is about ensuring that managed and value-added services including connectivity come “out of the box” and that they are easy to deploy and use. Customers should not be concerned with procurement procedures, complex logistics and integration into their own solutions and applications. In m2mAIR we believe that when connectivity is seamless, well integrated and easy to use it will become pervasive, be embedded, used and integrated everywhere, and evolve into a powerful managed services eco-System.

Have a look to the m2mAir Whitepaper and ask the product Managers of the Rutronik Wireless Competence Center to get the m2mAir Questionaire form to fill out your individual needs. Than we´re able to create your specific offer.

m2mAIR Whitepaper

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