ROHM – IrDA Infrared Communication Modules Family RPM8xx/RPM9xx
The IrDA infrared communication modules features such advantages like, high communication speed, high level of security, more design freedom ( compatibility for future redesigning of set )
IRDA infrared data transceivers enable short-distance wireless communication. Products include IrDA transceivers with SIR(115.2 Kbps), MIR(1.152 Mbps) to FIR(4 Mbps).
- Printers, fax machines, photocopiers, screen projectors
- Internet TV boxes, video conferencing systems
- Medical data collection
- Diagnostic systems
- Notebook computers, desktop PCs, palmtop computers
- Internet TV boxes,
- External infrared adapters (dongles)
- Data loggers: data recorder over time
- Kiosks, POS, point and pay devices
- Industrial applications
- gaming devices
- transportation-related equipment