Fujitsu Latching Relay
Fujitsu Power Relays are designed for a wide range of applications, from home automation appliance to industrial control and factory automation.
The relays are available from 3A to 120A contact current. Within the power range Fujitsu offers a broad variety of relay types like latching once.
Latching Relays are very common and saving standby power and cost´s. The special feature of the latching relay is the property that when it´s de-energized two different, stable switching states are possible.
- Latching relays have two stable states (a set (ON) and a reset (OFF) state)
- The relay requires only a short coil voltage pulse to latch the contacts to a stable (On or Set) state.
- A second (or reset pulse) returns the relay back to the initial or reset state.
- A permanent magnet, incorporated in the magnetic circuit provides the latching function.
- Latching relays, generates less heat and saves energy costs due to zero coil dissipation at each stable state.
- Fujitsu has 1 and 2 coil latching types available.
- Latching relays in wall mounted thermostats
- LED light
- Tube lighting (fluorescent lamps)
- Smart Meter
- Communication units
- White goods
- Power saving apps
- Battery usage
Prefered Lines
Fujitsu’s latching power relays: